사이트 로그인
[Installation&Training] Project of Bagram-Korean Hospital(2nd), Afghanistan (Oct. 2010)
[Installation&Training] Project of Bagram-Korean Hospital(1st), Afghanistan (Sep. 2010)
[Installation&Training] Project of Dar Es Salaam Province Healthcare Center, Tanzania (Aug. 2010)
Opening Ceremony of Dak Nong Provincial General Hospital, Viet Nam (Aug. 2010)
[Installation&Training] Project of Asuncion Maternal Mortality Reduction Support, Paraguay (Aug. 2010)
[Maintenance Service] Project of Abishina General Hospital, Afghanistan (Apr. 2010)
[Maintenance Service] Project of Arbil Rizgari General Hospital(2nd), Iraq (Feb. 2010)
[Installation] Project of Arsi Province Family Planning & OB/GY Healthcare, Ethiopia (Apr. 2010)
[Maintenance Service] Project of Avissawella Emergency Medical Care Center, Sri Lanka (Mar. 2010)